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This multiple choice quiz is easy to navigate and only takes 4-minutes to complete.
  • Receive a succinct, yet comprehensive report delivered in an easy-to-understand format.
  • Generate immediate insights on retirement timeline, pacing, & tax planning.
  • Get alerted on planning risks and potential red flags.
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  • 1 uppercase letter
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  • 1 number
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McAdam LLC dba RetireUS is an SEC registered investment adviser that maintains a principal place of business in the State of Pennsylvania. The Firm may only transact business in those states in which it is notice filed or qualifies for a corresponding exemption from such requirements. For information about Mcadam LLC dba RetireUS registration status and business operations, please consult the Firm's Form ADV disclosure documents, the most recent versions of which are available on the SEC's Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov.